Mutual Friends - How Do You Know Them (Addict)?


The longer I am in the program, the more this comes up. You’re out and about fellowshipping and your non-program friend asks you or your fellow addict, “So, how do you know each other?” Enter the awkwardness. An uncomfortable pause, then a brief glace at each other. At that exact moment both of you start to talk and two completely different scenarios are coming out of your mouths. The worst part is that both of you are fully committed to your story and keep talking for a few sentences.

It is never easy, nor should it be taken lightly in the protection of your program and each others anonymity.

What did they just say? I’m confused. Explain to me again how you know each other.

Start off figuring out some things in your head before hand. I personally like to think of 3 scenarios of how I may have met previous friends that don’t require much or any details.

  • Mutual Friends - This is my go to response today. It is easy, clean, and requires no other explanations or story line. I often use another addict as a mutual friend in the scenario.

  • Church - This one can be complicated. You can assume that both you and the other person are religious. You typically need to know the other person (addict) well and be able to talk a bit about it. Make sure that you circle back to your addict friend and let them know what was said.

  • Through work - This one may seem complicated, but it can be made quite simple. We did business together once and became friends. Maybe add how long ago and how great it has been to know them. Keep it positive and brief. You have to know what line of work they are in to do that.

Get past the idea that you are telling lies. The alternative is that you can tell the truth, which is nothing anyone involved wants to hear except for a gossip. There are lots of places where you can misstep in response to the simple question. Get a collaboration of ideas in your head and run through them when you aren’t on the stage expecting to respond right now. Ask others how they have handled this in the past. With all of the people here to help you can tackle this with ease.

Keep coming back!


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